We have put together a slideshow to show the progression in construction of a retaining wall. This timber SED wall in Dairy Flat employs a standard methodology and design commonly used in Auckland
After having a Surveyor confirm boundary pegs and checking the assets plan for existing services we scrape the area of topsoil and make our bulk cut.
Ensuring we have cut to the correct level at the base of the wall and allowed a drainage cavity behind the wall, we start drilling the post holes. Prior to this we have booked all relevant council and engineer inspections, concrete and concrete pump to allow drilling and concreting of posts on the same day.
After the posts are in we get stuck into nailing up the retaining rails, laying a Novacoil drain and backfilling the wall with drainage material.
Now that our wall is complete landscaping can take place.
Engineered timber retaining walls and site excavation
Engineered timber retaining walls and site excavation
Engineered timber retaining walls and site excavation
Engineered timber retaining walls and site excavation